Is UpRiver Village a senior living community?

No, UpRiver Village is not a place or location. It is a support network designed to help keep older adults living comfortably in their homes as long as possible.

Is UpRiver Village a non-profit organization?
UpRiver Village will be a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. Our parent organization, Villages NW, will be our fiscal sponsor and will hold our tax-exempt status.

When will UpRiver Village be able to provide services to its members?
UpRiver Village is currently providing MANY different social activities. Most are open to the public. Our target "launch" date, the date we hope to be able to respond to and fill member requests for services, is JULY 1, 2025.

How will UpRiver Village be funded?
UpRiver Village will be funded mostly by membership fees. Additional funding will come from grants, individual donations, and fundraising events.

How will seniors pay for services provided by UpRiver Village?
Payment is in the form of membership fees. UpRiver Village will have three levels of membership - Social, Regular, and Premium - and two options for each level - individual or couple. Please see the Membership page of our website at www.uprivervillage.org for fee details.

Will membership fees be tax-deductible?
No, because members receive services valued at equal to or greater than their membership fees. However, donations are tax-deductible.

What if I'm not able to afford UpRiver Village's membership fee?
UpRiver Village will offer scholarships to members whose income is at or below 250% of the current poverty level. Membership discounts of 50% and 80% are available.

Why will I be asked to pay for services if UpRiver Village is a non-profit organization and all services are provided by volunteers?
There are costs to running any organization. Specifically, UpRiver Village will need to pay for volunteer background checks, liability insurance, printing and postage, website hosting, IT services, etc.

Can anyone become a member of UpRiver Village?
No. Members must be 55 years of age or older or be disabled. Members must live within the city limits of Gresham, Troutdale, Fairview and Wood Village or vote in these cities' elections. Prospective members will be interviewed to assure UpRiver Village will be able to meet their needs and expectations.

How will the services that UpRiver Village will provide be different from other services already available to seniors in the community?

Are there any limitations to the services UpRiver Village volunteers will provide?
Yes. UpRiver Village volunteers will not be able to provide: What kinds of volunteers is UpRiver Village looking for now?
UpRiver Village is currently looking for volunteers to help with ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE CREATION:
What kinds of volunteers will UpRiver Village be looking for when it launches?
UpRiver Village will continue to need organizational and "office" help like the volunteers we're currently recruiting for. In the future, UpRiver Village will also need volunteers to provide transportation and other direct services to our senior members. We expect to start this phase of recruitment in April of 2025.

What will be the benefits of membership?
Members benefit in several different ways:
Why should I join if I'm healthy and active?
Membership in a Village is for individuals who are looking for a little help around the house and participation in social activities. For neighbors who volunteer their time and provide services, it's a way to give back to the community, and it also provides a meaningful connection with others in the community.

What are the benefits of volunteering?
Volunteerism is a cornerstone of the Village model, drawing upon people in our community to support each other. Volunteers will provide the services, resources, and community activities that allow a Village to offer the peace of mind that makes a positive difference in the lives of its members.

There are many benefits to volunteering:
Will members be required to volunteer?
No, members receiving services will not be required to also volunteer their time. However, members may want to serve on the Governing Council or volunteer in any number of ways.

Will volunteers be required to pay a membership fee to join?
No, volunteers will not be asked to pay membership fees.

Why should I sign up for the UpRiver Village newsletter?
UpRiver Village is collecting names of people who would like to: