A “Village” is a group of like-minded people within a defined area who come together to develop resources they will need to age comfortably in their own homes. Villages embrace the strategy of bringing services to people rather than moving people to services.

The first Village - BEACON HILL VILLAGE in Boston began about 25 years ago when 12 older adults joined forces to create a way for them to “age at home” and remain independent as long as possible.  There are now more than 350 existing Villages nationwide and another 150 in development.


The purpose of Villages is to enable people to age in place as well as they can for as long as they can for the lowest possible cost.   Villages do this by bringing friends and services to the member’s door. By volunteering and being neighborly, Village members expand their network of friendships close to home. We gather for social activities like coffee, walks, book and movie clubs, picnics and holiday parties. Volunteers do tasks friends and neighbors might do like providing transportation, household chores, yard work and assisting with technology.

This kind of “Village” is not a real estate development or a retirement community.  Village members continue to live in their own homes and can be homeowners, renters, seniors sharing housing or living with relatives.  

Most Villages nationwide are self-governing 501(c)3 nonprofit membership organizations run by a Governing Council elected by the Village members. They are supported by a combination of fees, grants, individual donations and fundraising.

Villages are neighbors helping neighbors stay neighbors. They are networks of support that foster interdependent aging in community.

UpRiver Village is a group of volunteers committed to helping older adults comfortably age in their own homes so they can maintain vibrant and connected lives in the homes, neighborhoods and communities they love. UpRiver Village is currently in the development stage.

UpRiver Village is an active participant in the Villages Movement, and a member of VILLAGES NW. Villages NW currently includes 10 existing and three developing Villages. We are also a member of the national VILLAGE TO VILLAGE NETWORK.


PBS News Hour recently ran a segment that includes information about the village movement. It’s part of their “Rethinking Aging” series and also covers retirement communities and intergenerational relationships.

The Village content starts at around the 4:40 mark and features interviews of a Washington, DC Village member and the Executive Director of the Village to Village Network. It also includes some eye-opening cost comparisons showing how cost-effective Village membership is as compared with hiring helpers or moving into assisted living. We invite you to watch the segment and share it with your friends and neighbors. Click HERE to watch.